"Slim?" I've heard that many times as one looks at my cartoons, sees the chicken scratch in the bottom right hand corner, then quizzically looks me over. Wished I'd a sold a calendar for every time that has happened the last few years. The questioning is justified, though, as I don't really fit that moniker.
So how does a man ( I use that term loosely) standing 6 foot 5 inches and weighing 265 gain that title? Well, two reasons actually. I was thinner at one time. But marrying a great cook and turning thirty changed that. Turning thirty? Yes, I believe that when you turn thirty, your body rebels. Every nasty thing you ate or drank before that time comes out of hiding. I sware I went to bed on June 21st 2008 and only weighed 220. Woke up the next morning to 260.
The second and real reason is that no one gave that name to me, I made it up. Back in high school I had a character I called Slim Wiley. He was a conglomeration of all my youthful dreams. Over time , and for what exact reason I don't know, I began signing all my toons and poems as SLIM. I even was planning a book of poems entitled " The Ponderments of SLIM". So that just stuck. Been doing it for eighteen years and don't reckon I"ll stop now.
It does kinda stick out though, sure something folks can remember easy. Wheeler Oliver Hughes IV isn't just something that scribbles out easy. Not very cartoony but might be a good name for a lawyer or something. I'll stick with SLIM. Y'all keep laughin' and God Bless!
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